How 1.5M Data Points and an Army of Robots Saved a College…

Hi there Reader,

Diving into this week's insights from the fringes of the Academy...

New Website Alert: I’ve revamped my branding to better highlight my edge in leveraging Data/AI to address institutional pain in higher education. While "Consultant" still doesn’t sit perfect, it’s growing on me (I think). Check out the fresh look and let me know your thoughts: Visit Now.

Messaging Magic: In a time where so many institutions struggle to differentiate, I'm baffled by how antiquated institutional marketing can be. Here's a snapshot of how I use AI to revolutionize communication:

  • Personalized AI Prompts: Crafting tailored messages with sophisticated logic.
  • Data-Driven Personalization: Utilizing 50+ unique data points for unmatched relevance.
  • Advanced Segmentation: Delivering content that resonates and engages effectively.

See it in action: Watch Here.

Featured Article: "Gad Saad: The Psychological Deficiencies Behind Jew Hatred" Explore the troubling connection between psychological biases and anti-Semitic prejudice. This piece sheds light on how scapegoating not only divides but blocks meaningful self-reflection and societal progress. Read Full Article.

Spotlight on Mental Health: "Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren't Growing Up" by Abigail Shrier Discover the potential missteps in modern mental health practices affecting Gen Z:

  • Increased mental health issues despite more interventions.
  • The downsides of popular methods like talk therapy and gentle parenting.

Dive deeper into Shrier’s insights: Excert from her Interview on Modern Wisdom.

Stay informed. Stay agile.

Warm regards,

-Mike O’Connor

O'Connor & Associates

PS - Ready to dive deeper or discuss potential collaborations? Let’s connect directly:Schedule a Meeting.

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Hi, I'm Mike!

With 17 years of insider experience, I specialize in enhancing university operations and strategic planning through innovative, data-driven solutions. Receive succinct, powerful insights on using analytics and artificial intelligence to streamline operations, increase ROI, and make informed strategic decisions. Ideal for C-suite aiming to do more with less and navigate the complexities of modern higher education.

Read more from Hi, I'm Mike!

Hi there Reader, Happy Fall, my friend... A few insights at the fringes of the Academy. Sara Howard on Agile Leadership in Higher Ed Sara Howard, Chief of Staff at Tally, offers critical insights into driving change in complex environments. Agility in Higher Ed: By blending design thinking with Scrum Agile, Sara has successfully shortened the timeline for institutional change, turning years into months. Crisis Leadership: Her experience during the pandemic and after George Floyd’s murder...

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Hi there Reader, I hope opening went as well as possible... Per usual, I'm writing with a few updates at the fringes of the academy... Balancing Operational Costs with Excellence: Insights from Michael Avaltroni In my recent conversation with Michael Avaltroni, President of Fairleigh Dickinson University, we dove deep into the complex balancing act of managing operational costs while delivering top-notch educational experiences. Michael shared how institutions must navigate the push and pull...

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Hi there Reader, Fall is coming, my friend! I spent some time studying Nathan Grawe's "The Agile College" massive data sets. A few counterintuitive takeaways (accompanying data visualizations below). Impact of Parental Education on Enrollment in National Universities: Students whose parents hold a bachelor's degree are much more likely to attend national universities (ranked between 51st and 100th) compared to those whose parents do not have a degree. This disparity could influence the...