What a Trump Victory means for Small Colleges...

Welcome, Reader.

Per usual, we explore how institutions can stay ahead in a dynamic Higher Ed environment...

From aligning academic programs with workforce needs to downstream impacts of nuclear tech infrastructure too third order effects of a Trump Victory...

This edition is a bit all over the place.

1. Mapping Academic Programs with Workforce Demand: A Strategic Playbook for C-Suite Leaders

Ensuring that your academic programs align with in-demand, high-compensation careers is essential for staying relevant and driving student success.

Here’s a simplified framework I used to help three regional comprehensive institutions align their curriculum with workforce needs and identify new potential revenue generating programs ...


  1. Collect CIP Code & Data
    • Gather a comprehensive list of current program, enrollment, and graduate count by CIP code.
  2. Map CIP to SOC Codes
    • Leverage the CIP-SOC Crosswalk to connect your academic programs with corresponding occupations, identifying direct career pathways for students.
    • Use Corresponding SOC codes to map Bureau of Labor Statistic occupational demand and wage data at the state or regional level.
  3. Conduct a Gap Analysis
    • Pinpoint high-demand careers that match your existing programs, and flag those that may lack labor market relevance.
    • Identify opportunities to create new programs that align with emerging workforce needs and your institutional strengths.

Curious on layering this approach with your existing post-graduate survey?

Ping me, and I'll share more details...

2. Google’s Nuclear Power Bet: The Future of AI and Data Centers

Google has taken a bold step by signing a deal with Kairos Power to use small nuclear reactors to power its AI data centers by 2030.

As global energy consumption for data centers expected to more than double by 2030—tech giants are turning to nuclear power to meet energy needs while reducing carbon emissions.

Google’s partnership signals a growing trend in adopting advanced nuclear technology to keep up with energy demands, while ensuring reliability and environmental responsibility.

Long-term Impacts:

  • Scalability: Institutions investing in AI should consider how to meet growing energy demands sustainably.
  • Innovation: Tech firms' embrace of nuclear energy may lead to partnerships or models that higher education can adopt.
  • Future-Proofing: As energy costs rise, leaders should explore alternative energy solutions to power both campus operations and data centers.

[Read More]

3. Predicting the Political Future: How a Trump or Harris Victory Could Reshape Higher Ed

The 2024 election could dramatically alter the higher education landscape.

Here's what our AI model says regarding downstream impacts of a Trump vs. Harris victory.

If Trump Wins:

  • Deregulation: Expect a push to reduce federal oversight, potentially leading to cuts in public funding.
  • Vocational Focus: Increased incentives for trade schools and apprenticeships, reshaping traditional enrollment patterns.
  • Weakened Loan Programs: Privatization of student loans, potentially increasing borrowing costs.

If Harris Wins:

  • Increased Funding: Expanded Pell Grants and federal aid, particularly for underserved communities.
  • Strengthened DEI: Support for diversity, equity, and inclusion programs through enhanced federal backing.
  • Loan Forgiveness: Continued improvements to student loan forgiveness programs, particularly in public service sectors.

Institutions need proactive strategies to navigate potential shifts in policy—whether it’s adapting to workforce-focused education or embracing equity-driven reforms.

Closing Thought:
In an era of rapid change, from workforce alignment to sustainable energy, staying ahead requires more than just adapting—it’s about leading with innovation.

If any of these insights resonated, let’s chat...

Until next time,

Mike O'Connor
O'Connor and Associates

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Hi, I'm Mike!

With 17 years of insider experience, I specialize in enhancing university operations and strategic planning through innovative, data-driven solutions. Receive succinct, powerful insights on using analytics and artificial intelligence to streamline operations, increase ROI, and make informed strategic decisions. Ideal for C-suite aiming to do more with less and navigate the complexities of modern higher education.

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