Why Crippling Pain is Your Friend

Hi there Reader,

Happy Thursday, F. Scott Fitzgerald once said:

“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.”

Smart, right?

But even the brightest among us can find this challenging.

Count me in that bunch (minus the brilliant piece).

So, let’s dive into this a bit.

I’m a big believer in not complaining.

Complaining fuels negativity and chips away at our sense of control.

Yet– the other night, I was doubled over with this crazy stomach pain.

And I found myself... Complaining.

More on that later.

Let's shift gears to you.

Ever heard of the “Region-Beta Paradox”?

It suggests that being in a ‘sorta bad’ situation can be worse than being in a downright terrible one.

Here’s an example: You’re in a comfy job with decent perks, but you’re as bored as a panda on a treadmill.

You feel stuck, but not miserable enough to jump ship.

Sound familiar?

It’s a common trap.

Knowing you’re stuck is step one to breaking free.

But, for most of us, it takes a kind of crippling pain to spark that ‘aha’ moment....

The kind that makes you rush to Urgent Care...

Only to realize the solution was as simple as a Miralax-Mylanta cocktail.

(Welcome to my Tuesday evening... NOT complaining ).

Here’s the silver lining: Awareness is your stepping stone.

A smart, simple strategy is your next move.

Case in point: Last month, I helped a client trapped in her own Region-Beta zone.

We ditched the old playbook and crafted a fresh approach, focusing on:

  • Impactful Content
  • Strategic Cold Outreach

She’s now crafting her exit strategy, brick by brick.

What about you?

Ready to turn your ‘sorta bad’ into something extraordinary?

If you’re looking to break free and carve your path, I’m here to help.

Let’s chat about transforming your challenges into stepping stones to success.

Cheers to embracing the pain and finding your way out,


P.S. Need a nudge to get started?

Hit reply and let’s talk strategy – your journey to freedom begins with a single step.

Hi, I'm Mike!

With 17 years of insider experience, I specialize in enhancing university operations and strategic planning through innovative, data-driven solutions. Receive succinct, powerful insights on using analytics and artificial intelligence to streamline operations, increase ROI, and make informed strategic decisions. Ideal for C-suite aiming to do more with less and navigate the complexities of modern higher education.

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