Why Regional Colleges & Universities Are Having a Moment...

Hi there Reader,

In this edition, we dive deep into some of the most pressing trends and thought leadership both within - and outside - of the Academy...

Exclusive Interview with Mike Davis, President of Fairmont State University
Navigating Challenges, Building Opportunity

Mike Davis, President of Fairmont State University, shares his journey from first-generation college student to university leader and the unique challenges facing institutions like Fairmont.

Davis emphasizes the need for regional public universities to stop mimicking larger institutions and instead embrace their own identity. He likens Fairmont State to a "craft brewery"—offering a personalized, hands-on experience that can’t be replicated by larger, more impersonal universities.

His focus is on providing an affordable, community-centered education that resonates deeply with West Virginia students, many of whom are first-generation and face financial obstacles.

Davis also tackles the tough realities of enrollment competition—not just against other schools, but against the rising narrative that college may not be worth it.

His solution: reposition Fairmont State as a place where education is affordable, flexible, and tied to community revitalization. His strategic vision includes doubling down on professional development for staff, building stronger town-gown relationships, and redefining the college experience for the next generation.

[LinkedIn Clip; Full Interview]

Consensus: AI Search Engine Revolutionizing Academic Research
AI-Powered Insights for Academics and Researchers

Consensus is not just another search engine—it’s an AI-powered academic search tool designed to connect faculty, staff, and students directly with credible research.

Using advanced language models and purpose-built search technology, Consensus surfaces the most relevant, peer-reviewed papers and synthesizes topic- and paper-level insights. The platform provides an efficient, research-backed way to gather data and insights.

Takeaway: Academic leaders can boost research efforts on their campuses by leveraging this tool, fostering a more data-driven research culture.

[More about Consensus here]

Mark Manson’s Article: “The Question That Will Change Your Life”
Empowering Career Centers and Students to Think Bigger

This thought-provoking piece by Mark Manson explores how asking the right question can dramatically change your outlook.

This article is a great-read for anyone looking to guide students in finding direction in both their careers and personal lives.

The central question: "What struggle are you willing to endure?"—is designed to help readers redefine their understanding of success by focusing on long-term fulfillment rather than short-term gains.

[Read the full article here]

Bold CEO’s Global Report: The Outlook for CEOs in 2024
Insights for Strategic Planning and Leadership in Higher Ed

The latest CEO Outlook report from EY reveals key insights into how global CEOs are adapting to rapidly shifting economic landscapes.

While the report is aimed at corporate leaders, there are strong parallels to the challenges faced by higher education executives, especially regarding digital transformation, risk management, and workforce development.

As a C-Suite leader in higher education, you’ll find the data on workforce adaptability particularly relevant to shaping your institution’s strategic initiatives.

[full report here]

Closing Note
As always, I hope you find these insights helpful as you continue to lead and innovate in higher education.

Reach out if you’d like to discuss any of these topics further or explore how O’Connor & Associates can support your institution’s goals.

Stay agile,

-Mike O’Connor

O'Connor & Associates

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With 17 years of insider experience, I specialize in enhancing university operations and strategic planning through innovative, data-driven solutions. Receive succinct, powerful insights on using analytics and artificial intelligence to streamline operations, increase ROI, and make informed strategic decisions. Ideal for C-suite aiming to do more with less and navigate the complexities of modern higher education.

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